Thursday, April 14, 2011

God is on your side

"The Lord will fight for you." Exodus 14:14

I read these words and draw in a deep breath. I need them right now. Don't we all? Oh, we may not go to war.

But we fight...
for relationships
for dreams
We battle...
against illness
against discouragement

I think of you staring at the screen, perhaps feeling your strength is small. Oh, yes, I know what that's like.

But victory isn't up to us.
And those words you sometimes hear?
"You're not worth fighting for."
They're a lie. Nothing more.
This is the truth from the heart of One who calls you His own:
You are loved.
You are worth fighting for.
You are even worth dying for.
So go into your day, strong friend, knowing that nothing can defeat you.
You've already won.

by Holley Gerth, DaySpring Writer


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