by David Gu
As a second generation Christian, brought up in a ‘very’ Christian family which I believe many will understand, I was exposed to the ‘Christian element’ at a very young age. All thanks to my enthusiastic mom who ensured that I was well grounded in the Lord on every basis possible to the extent where I felt very uncomfortable with the fact that my Sundays could only be occupied with ‘church’ when I was 11 years old. It felt like I was deprived of the enjoyment of the Sunday entertainment other kids had…
I have come to realize that Christians can live their lives believing that God exists but yet not acknowledging His works in their lives by regarding everyday happenings as practical and coincidental. Miracles happening right in front of our eyes but yet as Christians, we are still blind enough not to see it. Then, at a point of our lives, we ask ourselves ‘Does God really exist?’ I believe God is constantly agitated by the fact that He did and is still doing so many things and yet, due to Him being an invincible God, His people doubt His ability and very existence.
Let’s be restless about this issue. Let’s tell ourselves that every decision we make be of divine purpose and divine destiny that God has for us. Then, let’s start looking out for small miracles (lost and found, food on the table and the breath that we take) and consciously hope for greater ones to come. To be faithful in small matters first and then, be blessed with bigger ones according to each one’s faith. Let’s not dwell in questions of the sovereignty of God’s judgments but seek to be obedient to His commandments and then look ahead to the LABOR PAINS and ultimately, the Glory of His saving grace.
Let’s be tired of saying that everything that happens in our lives is just a coincidence or saying that ‘it’s a payback of what I did in the past.’ If God had in mind these theories, Jesus would have stayed back in heaven, enjoying the karaoke with the angels and saints. The theory of pure love, grace and the humility to believe in that grace as recorded in Romans 10:13 would then not exist and we dwell in the fact of Romans 3:23. The world will even run out of sacrificial animals. Western restaurants would face shortage of meat supplies and I would be craving so much for steak! God gave us the respect of freewill for us to choose; let’s then be good stewards of that respect and allow His divine purpose to play out in our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). Shift our attention from the worries of God’s sovereign judgments to having faith to see His word acted out in our lives, to see His miracles and His glory revealed.
Now back to the story above. Was I really deprived? I am blessed with so much more than entertainment. I am blessed with a reason to live, a purpose and knowing my Jesus more than just Jesus. Young second generation Christians; I urge you not to dwell in frustration as I did but learn to seek the Lord for greater revelations. Be desperate to see the big and COOL picture God has for your life. Know this God for yourself, as did the patriarchs of the Old Testament, as did the heroes of the faith of the early church and as did our very own parents. You will indeed be blessed.
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